Akronim OSHA dalam dunia keselamatan kerja dapat berarti Occupational Safety and Health Administration atau Occupational Safety and Health Act. Pada kesempatan ini OSHA yang akan dibahas yaitu Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adalah bagian dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk di bawah Undang-Undang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan, yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Richard M. Nixon, pada 29 Desember 1970. Misinya adalah untuk menjamin keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dari para pekerja laki-laki maupun perempuan dengan menerapkan standard serta pemberian training, outreach, education & assistance.
Yang termasuk ke dalam subject utama dalam OSHA adalah:
- * administrative: Hazard communication, OSHA recordkeeping
- * electrical: grounding, insulating mats
- * explosives: blasting agents, explosives
- * fire: fire doors, fire protection, flammable gases and dusts, flammable liquids
- * hazardous operations: abrasive blasting, abrasive grinding, belt sanding, boilers, compressed gasses and air, elevators and man movers, excavation, fans, pressure vessels, process safety, revolving drums,spray finishing and painting, storage areas, welding and cutting, woodworking
- * industrial hygiene: air contamination, blood-borne pathogenes, heat, lighting, noise, radiation, toxic materials, ventilation
- * life safety: aisles and passagesways, emergency action plans, excits
- * machine hazards: band and cutoff saws, guarding, mechanical power presses, power transmission, radial saws
- * materials handling: chains, cables, ropes, hooks, cranes and hoists, dockboards, and forklift trucks
- * medical services: first aids and physical exams
- * personnel protection: eye, face and head, foot, hand, personnel protective equipment, and respiratory
- * sanitation: drinking water, lunch rooms, toilets, trash, washing facilities
- * tool hazards: circular saws, hand tools, pneumatic tools, portable abbrasive wheels
- * working surfaces: confined spaces, floor condition, floor openings and railings, housekeeping, ladders and toeboards, and stairs.
- * dan subjek standard yang dibicarakan lebih lanjut dalam Safety Documentation pada bab Pengenalan.
Co Van, James. 1994. Safety Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons